General Terms and Conditions of Sale


The online sales site is managed by the company Adegan's Armory with a capital of 1 000 € whose headquarters is located in the Jura at L'Etoile (39570), registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Lons-le-Saunier under number 877 514 356 00014. It is previously specified that the present conditions govern the sales of its products by Adegan's Armory to any person or entity making a purchase via the website, hereinafter referred to as "the CUSTOMER".

The present General Conditions of Sale, as well as the order form and the order confirmation constitute the sales contract between Adegan's Armory and the CUSTOMER relating to the sale of the ordered products. Any order carried out on the Internet site requires that the CUSTOMER accepts beforehand and without reserve the General Conditions of Sale in their entirety. In case of disagreement with the terms and conditions of the General Conditions of Sale, the CUSTOMER must not use the Website.

Adegan's Armory reserves the right to adapt or modify its Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time and without notice, the adaptations or modifications being then applicable to all orders subsequent to the adaptations or modifications. In the event of modification, the General Conditions of Sale applicable to the order of the CUSTOMER are those which were on line, and which the CUSTOMER accepted at the day of the placing of its order.

Article 1 - Definitions

The terms and expressions identified by a capital letter in the Terms and Conditions of Sale have the meaning indicated below (whether used in the singular or plural).

- Terms and Conditions of Sale: means the terms and conditions applicable to the relationship between Adegan's Armory and the CUSTOMER.

- Order: shall designate the CUSTOMER's purchase order for one or more Products or Services placed through the Internet site or via the Customer Service Department.

- Internet Site: shall designate the Internet site accessible at

- Product: shall designate a product or service offered for sale on the Internet Site

- Customer: shall designate a Natural or Legal Person, consumer, who uses the Internet Site and acquires one or more Products, for his/her personal needs, having previously adhered to the General Terms of Sale.

Article 2 - Purpose

The present General Conditions of Sale aim to define the contractual relationship between Adegan's Armory and the CUSTOMER and the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the website

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you represent that you have reached the age of majority in your country, state or province of residence, and that you have given us your consent to allow any minor in your care to purchase from this online store.

The use of our products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose is prohibited.

Adegan's Armory reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, in order to comply with any new regulation or in order to improve the use of its website. Therefore, the applicable conditions will be those in force at the date of the order by the CLIENT.

Article 3 - Rates

The prices appearing on the product sheets of the internet catalog are prices in Euros (€) including all taxes (TTC) taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order. Any change in the VAT rate may be reflected in the price of products. The company Adegan's Armory reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, however, it is understood that the price listed in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the CUSTOMER. The products remain the property of until full payment is received by Adegan's Armory. The products in promotion will be indicated by a sticker "PROMOTION" or by a crossed out Price, our promotions are valid within the limit of stocks available at the time of the order and during the period of posting.

For the CUSTOMERS outside Metropolitan France, is forced, in accordance with the law in force, to invoice the VAT on the orders dispatched towards the majority of the countries of the European Union. For CUSTOMERS outside the European Union and French overseas departments and territories, orders are not subject to VAT, but may be subject to local taxes and customs duties in force in the country of receipt. These rights and sums are not under the jurisdiction of They are the responsibility of the CLIENT.

Warning: Any inaccurate information provided by the CUSTOMER in order to evade VAT may result in civil fines and criminal prosecution. The prices of the Products indicated on the website do not include the processing and shipping costs which are invoiced in addition to the price of the Products purchased and according to the total amount of the order.

Article 4 - Order

The contractual information is presented in French language and will be the subject of a confirmation taking again this contractual information at the latest at the time of the delivery. Adegan's Armory reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute over payment of a previous order.

To order Products on the Website, the CUSTOMER must create an account by providing the information required in the registration form. To this end, the CUSTOMER declares to provide complete personal information, not erroneous, of a nature to allow for its accurate identification in any situation. Any false or slanderous personal information may result in the closure of the CUSTOMER's account and the cancellation of the Order.

The account creation section is accessible directly from the main menu bar. Each time the CUSTOMER visits the site, if he or she wishes to order or consult his or her account (status of orders, personal information, etc.), he or she must identify himself or herself using this information.

Article 5 - Payment

The price of the Products and the costs of logistical preparation and delivery are payable in full by the CLIENT when the Order is placed. The website may offer the CUSTOMER the choice of different payment methods:

or by credit card:
After choosing the credit card payment method, the CUSTOMER is redirected to the secure interface of the payment system in order to enter his/her personal credit card details in complete security. If payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract is definitively formed. Payment by credit card is irrevocable.

Or by bank transfer:
After choosing the bank transfer payment method, and as soon as the order has been validated, the CLIENT receives confirmation that his order has been registered. In order to finalize payment and process the order, the CLIENT must transfer the amount of the order to Adegan's Armory's bank account, the details of which are communicated to the CLIENT at the end of the order. As soon as the transfer is received, the order will be processed and the CLIENT will be informed by e-mail.

Or by payment in instalments via our partner PayPlug - Oney:
The customer hereby accepts Oney's legal disclaimer, which can be accessed here:

Article 6 - Right of Withdrawal

In accordance with Article L121-21 of the Consumer Code, the CUSTOMER has a period of fourteen working days from the date of receipt of their order to exercise their right of withdrawal and thus return the product to the seller for exchange or refund without penalty. The products must be returned in their original packaging, without having been used, accompanied by the initial signed delivery note. Return shipping costs are at the CUSTOMER's expense.

Article 7 - Delivery

Once the Sales Order has been paid for, the Products will be shipped to the address indicated by the CLIENT when the Sales Order was placed. An e-mail will be sent to the CUSTOMER to inform him/her of the shipment of the Products. The CUSTOMER has the option of choosing between different delivery methods.

Shipping costs are calculated according to the delivery method chosen (home, relay point, post office...), the weight of the package and the destination. Delivery times are given as an indication only, if they exceed thirty days from the order, the sales contract may be terminated and the CUSTOMER reimbursed.

Article 8 - Warranty

All products offered by the company Adegan's Armory on the site benefit from the legal guarantee provided by Articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code. In the event of nonconformity of a sold product, it could be turned over to the Adegan's Armory company which will take again it, will exchange it or will refund it. All claims, requests for exchange or refund must be made by mail to the following address Adegan's Armory, 357 rue Bouillod, 39570 L'ETOILE, within thirty days after delivery.

Article 9 - Liability

The company Adegan's Armory has, for all stages of access to the site, the ordering process, delivery, customer service or subsequent services, an obligation of means. The responsibility of Adegan's Armory could not be committed for all the disadvantages or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular loss of data, intrusion, virus, rupture of the service, and other involuntary problems, or of any fact qualified as force majeure, according to the jurisprudence.

The computerized records kept in the information systems of Adegan's Armory in reasonable conditions of security, will be considered as proof of communication, orders and payments between Adegan's Armory and the CUSTOMER.

Article 10 - Security

The site is subject to a security system: the SSL encryption process has been adopted, but all the scrambling and encryption processes have also been strengthened to protect all the sensitive data linked to the means of payment as effectively as possible.

Article 11 - Intellectual Property

All texts, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced on the site are reserved under the copyright as well as under the intellectual property and for the whole world. As such and in accordance with the provisions of the code of intellectual property, only the use for private use is authorized, subject to different provisions, even more restrictive of the code of intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of the site is strictly forbidden whether in the form of a photo, logo, visual or text.

Article 12 - Personal data

All the data that you entrust on the site are in order to be able to treat your orders. In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, you have with the salesman of a right of correction, consultation or modification and suppression of the data which you communicated to us. This right can also be exercised online.

Article 13 - Force majeure

Adegan's Armory's performance of all or part of its obligations, including delivery, will be suspended in the event of a fortuitous event or force majeure that would impede or delay its execution. Are considered as such, in particular, without this list being restrictive, the war, the riots, the insurrection, the social disorders, the strikes of any natures. Adegan's Armory will inform CUSTOMERS of the occurrence of an act of God or force majeure within seven days of its occurrence. In case this suspension would continue beyond a period of fifteen days, the CUSTOMER will have the possibility of cancelling the order in progress, and it will be then proceeded to the refunding of the price of the ordered Products and the paid delivery charges.

Article 14 - Applicable laws and competent jurisdictions

The General Conditions of Sale are subject to French law. Only the French version of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall prevail. In the event of any difficulty arising in connection with the Order, the delivery of the Products and, more generally, the execution of the sale, the CUSTOMER shall have the possibility, before taking any legal action, to seek an amicable solution, in particular with the help of a consumer association or any other counsel of its choice.

Article 15 - Customer service

For any information or question about an order, the customer service is at your disposal:

By phone: 06 31 48 67 70
By mail: