
Fighting forms at Lightsaber : Become a Jedi or Sith Master

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The Lightsaber, the mythical weapon of the Jedi and Sith, is much more than a simple combat tool.

Every Force user, whether on the light or dark side, adopts a specific fighting form that reflects his or her philosophy and approach to combat. These forms, of which there are seven (we won't mention the so-called "forbidden" forms here), are as varied as they are powerful, and each requires technical mastery and a deep understanding of the Force.

Form I - Shii-Cho: the original form

Shii-Cho is the first form of combat developed by the Jedi. It is a form of initiation, taught to all Padawans to teach them the basics of handling the Lightsaber. Its approach is simple: disarm and neutralize the enemy without necessarily killing him. This style is particularly useful for fighting several enemies at once, making it a collective combat technique.

  • Features: Easy to learn, this is a rudimentary, crude form that doesn't require very sophisticated technique. Ideal for beginners and young Jedi.
  • Emblematic characters: Kit Fisto is probably the Jedi most famous for his use of Shii-Cho. His mastery of this form enables him to remain fluid and adaptable in combat, especially in group situations.

Did you know?

Shii-Cho is also known as the "Way of the Sarlacc", in reference to the mythical creature from Tatooine that catches its prey with its multiple tentacles. This analogy illustrates the unstructured yet effective aspect of this form of combat.

Form II - Makashi: the grace of the duel

Makashi, or "Way of the Ysalamiri", is a specialized dueling form at Lightsaber. Where Shii-Cho focuses on brute force and simplicity, Makashi emphasizes finesse, precision and mastery of the sword. It's an elegant, almost aristocratic style, perfect for one-on-one combat. It is particularly useful against other Lightsaber users, but less effective against blaster attacks.

  • Features: Precision, control and economy of movement. This form requires excellent timing and perfect coordination.
  • Emblematic characters: Count Dooku is the undisputed master of the Makashi. With his Lightsaber with its curved hilt , he perfectly embodies this form based on elegance and superiority in dueling.

Fun fact:

Makashi is inspired by classical fencing techniques. That's why users of this form often adopt a more upright and rigid posture, similar to that of sword duelists in our world.

Form III - Soresu: defense above all else

Soresu, or "Way of the Mynock", is a defensive form that places survival above all else. It was developed at a time when Jedi often had to defend themselves against waves of blaster fire. It blocks and deflects enemy fire with formidable efficiency, while minimizing openings for opposing counter-attacks.

  • Features: Mastery of defense, protection against blaster fire and energy efficiency. An ideal form for those seeking to prolong combat and exhaust their opponent.
  • Iconic characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi is arguably the most famous master of the Soresu. His duel with Grievous in Revenge of the Sith is a perfect illustration, where he repelled every attack without ever leaving an opening.

Jedi Tip:

Soresu is an excellent form for those who want to remain calm and reflective during combat. If you're someone who prefers to wait for the right moment to counter-attack, this is the form for you.

Form IV - Ataru: agility incarnate

Ataru, or "Way of the Falcon", is the most acrobatic and fastest form. It requires exceptional physical agility and perfect mastery of the Force to amplify its movements. Ataru users rely on speed and surprise to destabilize their opponents, often with spectacular jumps and pirouettes.

  • Features: Fast, aerial attacks, intensive use of the Force to maximize speed and agility. However, it is difficult to use in confined spaces.
  • Emblematic characters: Yoda is the master par excellence of Ataru. Despite his short stature and advanced age, he uses this form to leap and twirl around his enemies with disconcerting speed.

A word of advice:

Ataru is extremely exhausting. If you choose this form, you'll need a very strong link with the Force to compensate for the physical energy required.

Form V - Shien/Djem So: the crude counterattack

Form V, with its two variants Shien and Djem So, is a form based on counter-attack. It combines the defense of Soresu with increased aggressiveness. Shien practitioners excel at deflecting blaster fire, while Djem So practitioners concentrate on physical retaliation after blocking a blow.

  • Features: Ideal for fighters who like to riposte immediately after blocking an attack. This form is also highly effective against multiple opponents.
  • Emblematic characters: Anakin Skywalker, then Darth Vader, is a fervent user of Djem So. His direct, powerful style perfectly reflects the spirit of this form.

Please note:

Djem So is often criticized by the more pacifist Jedi, as it favors a more aggressive approach, almost akin to Sith ideology. Anakin adopted it for its ability to win duels quickly.

Form VI - Niman: the perfect balance

Niman, or "Rancor Way", is a balanced form that combines elements of the first five forms. It's a highly versatile form, perfect for those who don't want to specialize in a particular technique. It is often used by Jedi who prefer to use the Force in parallel with their sword-fighting.

  • Features: Versatility, balanced mix of attack and defense. Ideal for fighters who want to remain flexible while also mastering the Force.
  • Emblematic figures: One of the greatest users of the Niman is Exar Kun, who combined this form with the use of a double-bladed Lightsaber .

Pro tip :

The Niman is often recommended for diplomatic Jedi seeking a non-violent solution. Its balanced approach makes it a practical form for negotiations... if they ever fail.

Form VII - Juyo/Vaapad: the dark side at your fingertips

Form VII, with its Juyo and Vaapad variations, is the most aggressive and dangerous form. It taps into the user's emotions, flirting dangerously with the dark side. Vaapad, perfected by Mace Windu, transforms inner darkness into combat strength, but requires extreme control.

  • Features: Frenzied, unpredictable attacks, using emotions to fuel the power of blows. This form is extremely risky for Jedi.
  • Emblematic characters: Mace Windu, with his version of the Vaapad, is the only Jedi to have mastered this form perfectly without falling to the dark side.

Please note:

Juyo is not recommended for those who lack discipline. Its practitioners risk losing control and allowing their emotions to overwhelm them.

The seven fighting forms at Lightsaber are not only fighting techniques, they are also an expression of the philosophy of each Jedi or Sith. Whether you prefer defense, agility or pure aggression, there's a form that's just right for you. But remember: mastery of Lightsaber goes hand in hand with mastery of the Force... and of yourself.

Feeling ready? Find the model that suits your fighting style now!
